Weekly Podcast

The Art of Stress-Free Productivity | David Allen
- Week 40_The Art of Stress-Free Productivity David Allen00:00

To Get Results, Push and Pull Your Team | Joe Folkman
The 90th Percentile
- Week 33_Episode_81_To_Get_Results_Push_and_Pull_Your_Team00:00

Win More by Solving Other People's Problems | Margaret Ann Neale
Stanford Innovation Lab
If you really want to win at negotiation, stop fighting and start listening. In this episode of Stanford Innovation Lab, host Tina Seelig speaks with Margaret “Maggie” Neale, professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, for answers to the burning questions about negotiating. Is emotion your most powerful tool? When does deference earn you more than dominance? Will setting a walk-away price decrease your drive to negotiate for more? Maggie also shares pro-tips on negotiating in all settings, from the office to the farmers’ market.
- Week 35_Win more by solving other people00:00

Player vs. Pretenders | John Maxwell
Maxwell Leadership Podcast
- Week 34_Players vs. Pretenders -Part 1- -Maxwell Leadership Podcast-00:00
Retention & Building High Performing Teams | Noel DiBona
NextUp Business Podcast
- Week 47 - Noel DiBona on NextUp Business Podcast00:00
How To Keep Conflict From Spiraling - Part 2
Hidden Brain Podcast
- Week 45 - Part 200:00

How To Keep Conflict From Spiraling - Part 1
Hidden Brain Podcast
- Week 44 - Part 100:00

When things get rocky, practice deliberate calm
The McKinsey Podcast
- Week 4300:00

Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
HBR IdeaCast
Servant Leadership | Ken Blanchard
LEADx Leadership Podcast
- Week 4200:00

Leadership Limitations: Can You Lead Everyone?
Maxwell Leadership Podcast
- Week 41_Leadership Limitations - John Maxwell00:00

Ask Better Questions | Leslie John & Alison Brooks
HBR IdeaCast

Navy Seal Reveals The Secret To Overcoming Adversity In Life!
Jason Redman & Lewis Howes
Retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Jason Redman is a sought-after speaker, personal and corporate leadership coach and trainer, and the author of New York Times bestseller, The Trident: The Forging and Reforging of a Navy SEAL Leader and Amazon bestsellers, Overcome: Crush Adversity With the Leadership Techniques of America’s Toughest Warriors, along with, Pointman Planner.
Between 1992 and 2013, Jason spent 11 years as an enlisted Navy SEAL and 10 years as a SEAL Officer leading SEAL teams in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. On September 13, 2007, outside Fallujah, Iraq, he was severely wounded and nearly killed when his Assault Team came under heavy machine-gun and small-arms fire during an enemy ambush. Fortunately he and his team had the training and mindset required to overcome the extreme adversity, survive the ambush and succeed in their mission.
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- Week 39 final-0300:00
- Week 39 final-0400:00

How to Prewire a Meeting | Part Two
Hall Of Fame Guidance
You have a meeting coming up. Not only do you need to make a presentation, you need to make the presentation to your bosses boss. Perhaps you need to present to your bosses boss, but also all her directs at her next staff meeting. How do you prepare for that? How do you ensure that you don't walk across any land-mines during the presentation? What can you do NOW to make that presentation a slam-dunk? We're going to show you!
- Week 38 - part 2 of 200:00

How to Prewire a Meeting | Part One
Hall Of Fame Guidance
You have a meeting coming up. Not only do you need to make a presentation, you need to make the presentation to your bosses boss. Perhaps you need to present to your bosses boss, but also all her directs at her next staff meeting. How do you prepare for that? How do you ensure that you don't walk across any land-mines during the presentation? What can you do NOW to make that presentation a slam-dunk? We're going to show you!
- Week 37 - part 1 of 200:00

Driving Employee Engagement | Daniel Pink
2013 REACH Conference
Daniel Pink’s ideas around “Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose” from his book Drive kept cropping up. He suggests that contrary to popular belief, extrinsic rewards do not effectively motivate your team. These are physical and visible rewards such as bonuses or gifts (typically going hand-in-hand with the old carrot-and-stick approach). Instead, he suggests that in order to inspire your team and encourage innovation, engagement, and ultimately increase productivity, you need to look to intrinsic rewards to make a real impact. These are rewards that are personally satisfying to the individual.
- Week 36_Driving Employee Engagement _ Daniel Pink00:00

Be Better at Work: How to Communicate Better with Coworkers and Employees | Robert I. Sutton
Think Fast, Talk Smart
- Week 32_Be Better at Work_ How to Communicate Better with Coworkers and Employees00:00

Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! | Jim Tamm
- Week 31_Cultivating Collaboration_ Don-t Be So Defensive- _ Jim Tamm _ TEDxSantaCruz00:00

The Beauty of Conflict | Clair Canfield
- Week 30_The beauty of conflict _ Clair Canfield _ TEDxUSU00:00

How To Achieve Your Goals
Hidden Brain Podcast
- Week 29_hiddenbrain_woop_friday_aug_21_noon_-21d815f4-59bb-459e-a2f4-4623d82b4f8300:00

Are You An Ideal Team Player? | Patrick Lencioni
Tedx University of Nevada
- Week 28_Are you an ideal team player_ _ Patrick Lencioni _ TEDxUniversityofNevada00:00

Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe |Simon Sinek
What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure. who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety - especially in an uneven economy - means taking on big responsibility.
- Week 27_Why_good_leaders_make_you_feel_safe_-getmp3.pro- -1-00:00