Team Training Resource Library
Leadership Development

General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. - Effective Team Building Now & Post-COVIDLeadership Lessons From The Fast Lane
Welcome to Leadership Lessons from the Fast Lane, brought to you by the Washington Speakers Bureau. In this space, we will explore some of the most pressing challenges that leaders of today face, with the world’s most respected, creative, and successful thought leaders.
- Week 6_Effective team building now and post covid00:00

Peyton Manning TipsSuper U Podcast
Peyton Manning, former football quarterback, five-time NFL MVP, and 2 time Super Bowl Champion gives us insight on how to handle hardships and how to never give up.
- Week 5_Peyton Manning Tips00:00

Ben Kotwica (NFL Coach) - On Coaching, Excellence, and ResilienceIntentional Leader with Cal Walters
Listen to NFL Coach Ben Kotwica share life and leadership lessons from coaching at the highest level!
- Week 13_Ben Kotwica -NFL Coach- - on coaching- excellence- and resilience00:00

Adapting Your Leadership Style │Nicolas BoelLeadership & Business
Nicolas Boël has worked in North America and Europe, and shares with us the difference in leadership styles on the two continents. He runs a family business that was started by his ancestors, and also talks about working with family in this episode. He is the Chairman of the Board of Solvay SA.
- Week 16_adapting your leadership style00:00

What Got You Here, Won't Get You There | Marshall GoldsmithForward Thinking Leadership 2018
Marshall Goldsmith has been coaching some of America’s most influential leaders and CEOs for over 30 years. He’s earned himself a reputation of being the best in his field. Fast Company announced him as “America’s preeminent executive coach.”
- Week 25_what got you here- won-t get you there00:00

Emotional Intelligence: How Good Leaders Become GreatUC Davis Executive Leadership Program
The UC Davis Executive Leadership Program is a transformative, interactive seminar series that will expand your ability to confidently guide and direct your organization. Gain practical techniques, effective strategies and essential personal insight to become a passionate, inspiring leader. In this video, instructor Mitchel Adler, Psy.D., CGP, discusses emotional intelligence and how good leaders use it to their advantage.
- Week 21_Emotional Intelligence_ How Good Leaders B1659966452457.mpeg00:00

7 Super Tips with Bill BellichickSuper U Podcast
Bill Belichick, New England Patriots head coach gives us insight on why it’s important to work as a team, how to pursue new ideas, and how he got to where he is now.
- Week 15_7 super tips with bill bellichick00:00

Extraordinary Performers- Why You Need Them & How to Keep ThemThe 90th Percentile
Details In a society that showers attention on those in power, it is valuable to remember that those in the C suite are not the only ones doing the remarkable everyday work that causes organizations to excel. Much of the excellence comes from the host of people who conscientiously get work done and constantly look…
- Week 18_Extraordinary performers - why you need them and how to keep them00:00

Understanding Trust, The Salt of Leadership
The 90th Percentile: An Unconventional Leadership Podcast
Every leader has their own definition of trust and what it takes to build or maintain it. We looked at 400,000 leadership assessments to see the relationship trust had when combined with leadership competencies.
- Understanding trust- the salt of leadership00:00

How To Thrive In A World Of Relentless Change The Leadership Podcast
April Rinne is a “change navigator,” speaker, investor, and adventurer whose work and travels in more than 100 countries have given her a front-row seat to a world in flux. She is one of the 50 leading female futurists in the world, a Harvard Law School graduate, a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, and a Fulbright Scholar...
- Week 19_How to thrive in a world of relentless change00:00

The Upside of ConflictAt The Table with Patrick Lencioni
Patrick Lencioni tackles one of his favorite topics. He and Cody Thompson discuss why conflict is critical on teams and why so many companies avoid it at all costs. Patrick Lencioni provides practical tips for leaders and teams looking to bring more healthy conflict into their decision making.
- Week 4_The Upside Of Conflict - Patrick Lencioni00:00

What is Leadership? | Richard RiersonDose of Leadership
What is Leadership? The #1 question when it comes to leadership… Leadership is NOT: About position or rank About your title About your personal attributes Management Favorite Leadership Quotes: “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis “A leader is a dealer in hope.” – Napoleon Bonaparte “Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights
- Week 22_What is Leadership_00:00

Interview with Suffolk Construction CEO, John FishWalker Webcast
Willy Walker interviews the Suffolk CEO on his career journey, how he built the culture at Suffolk, the current state of CRE construction, and the future he is imagining and working towards.
- Week 11_The Future of Real Estate Development _ with Suffolk CEO John Fish -64 kbps-00:00
Employee Engagement

Strategies To Improve Your Employees' Engagementwith Anna Slaydon & Dr. Steve Swavely
We’ll be going through a four-part series that focuses on employee engagement, specifically the missing links of employee engagement that you’ve probably not heard before. We’ll also be identifying some strategies to improve your employees’ engagement that you can start using right away.
- Week 7_Employee Engagement00:00

Employee Engagement Understanding Engagement
with Anna Slaydon & Dr. Steve Swavely
We’ll be going through a four-part series that focuses on employee engagement, specifically the missing links of employee engagement that you’ve probably not heard before. We’ll also be identifying some strategies to improve your employees’ engagement that you can start using right away.
- Week 8_employee-engagement-understanding-engagement00:00

Employee Engagement: The Six Drivers
with Anna Slaydon & Dr. Steve Swavely
We’ll be going through a four-part series that focuses on employee engagement, specifically the missing links of employee engagement that you’ve probably not heard before. We’ll also be identifying some strategies to improve your employees’ engagement that you can start using right away.
- Week 9_employee-engagement-the-six-drivers00:00

Employee Engagement: The Missing Link
with Anna Slaydon & Dr. Steve Swavely
We’ll be going through a four-part series that focuses on employee engagement, specifically the missing links of employee engagement that you’ve probably not heard before. We’ll also be identifying some strategies to improve your employees’ engagement that you can start using right away.
- Week 10_employee-engagement-the-other-half-of-the-solution00:00

Increase Team Productivity by Decreasing Task SaturationThe Business ThorCast
Task saturation is defined as the perception or the reality of having too much to do and not having enough time, tools or resources to get it accomplished. In order to stay productive, you must figure out what's most important, stay focused on what matters and create time to be creative.
- Week 3_ Increase team productivity by decreasing task saturation00:00

Capture and Standardize Lessons Learned │ John HunterThe Business ThorCast
In this episode of The Business Thorcast, John Hunter, CFO of Buffalo Construction, Inc., tells Thor how his teams use Debriefs to identify Lessons Learned and standardize best practices to positively impact each of their future projects. John breaks down how the effects of the Debriefs can be seen across the organization (and with their clients!) and is responsible for 15% profit increase.
- Week 14_Capture and standardize lessons learned00:00

Adapting Your Leadership Style | Russell WilsonTed Business
Athletes train their bodies to run faster, jump higher, throw farther. So why don't they train their minds, too? Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, the highest paid player in the NFL, shares how “neutral thinking” helps him handle high pressure situations, on and off the field. After the talk, host Modupe Akinola examines how we can use stress to our advantage.
- Week 17_Adapting your leadership style- russell wilson00:00

How To Deal With Difficult People│Jay JohnsonTed Talk
- Week 20_How to deal with difficult people00:00

This Is How Successful People Manage Their TimeCut the Crap Podcast with Kevin Kruse
- Week 12_This Is How Successful People Manage Their Time00:00
High-Performance Teams

Trusting Teams | The 5 Practices
Simon Sinek
How do we create an environment in which our people can work at their natural best? Leaders are not responsible for results, they're responsible for the people who are responsible for the results.
- Week 23_Trusting Teams _ THE 5 PRACTICES00:00

How To Build Trust and Create Open, Successful Teams | Chris Strouthopoulos
Tedx Georgia Tech
At some point we all experience the fear of judgement. Chris’ talk explores the many ways fear causes us to hold back, how this impacts group performance, and specific strategies to build trust and create open, collaborative, and high performing teams.
- Week 26_How to Build Trust and Create Open- Succes1659966339618.mpeg00:00

Creating a Team Culture of High Performance, Trust, and Belonging | Mike Robbins
Beyond The To-Do List
- week 24_creating a team culture of high performance- trust- and belonging00:00
Company Culture

Being Smart is Overrated | Patrick Lencioni
Patrick Lencioni
- Week 36_Driving Employee Engagement _ Daniel Pink00:00