Blog categorized as Leadership
Embrace change and succeed in the fast-changing business environment of 2022. Learn about the advantages of the hybrid work model and digital overload solutions.
Many times, leaders have told me that they have a team of well-educated professionals with all of the right credentials, training, knowledge, and experience. They go on to say that while any single individual would totally impress you, the team underwhelms. Why is that?
The media has warped our sense of perception about today's work environment. Everyone wants to work for the perfect company. The perfect boss. The perfect plan for the perfect future. Since when do we think that perfection is attainable?
Leaders that yield to their fears have great difficulty achieving their goals. These leaders become mired down in being average, being ordinary. Mediocrity is the flip side to the fear of failure.
Top leaders view change as an opportunity. They shift their mindset to accept change, instead of just coping with it. Top leaders embrace change and work through their discomfort of unchartered waters.
You need 6 Key Ingredients for Optimal Team Performance. Unfortunately, 90% of teams are not optimized and deal with a large range of issues. Over time, companies accept these challenges and continue slogging through the same problems, over, and over.